ISA is grateful for the support of the Utility Arborist Association (UAA) and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) in digitizing this publication.

*NOT AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD: You can view the content online through your ISA account with an internet connection but you will not be able to print or download the materials.
ISA has developed a series of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the purpose of interpreting tree care standards and providing guidelines of practice for arborists, tree workers, and the people who employ their services.
This BMP, updated in 2019, provides reasons why pruning should be undertaken, explains pruning types, provides background on pruning cuts, reviews sample pruning specifications, and comments on the timing and necessity of these operations.
Topics in this BMP include:
- Pruning Systems
- Pruning Objectives
- Pruning Cuts
- Pruning Practices
- Poor Pruning Practices
- Pruning Conifers, Palms, and Bamboo
- Pruning Specifications
- Glossary
(©2019, 63 pp.)
*Replaces 2nd edition (2008)
Also available in Print.
This BMP has a corresponding CEU Opportunity!