Climbers' Corner • Tree Academy
Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday
Using diversity to reduce the impact of exotic pests: how it should be applied
There are a multitude of exotic stressors, both insects and pathogens, that are or have the potential of, changing the landscape in our urban forests. Diversity is often mentioned as a means to reduce the impact of these threats, but at what level, species, genus, family? This session will cover the common factors as to why certain exotic stressors become destructive when introduced onto new continents and how diversity should be applied in our planting.
John Ball is a Professor of Forestry at South Dakota State University when he also serves as the Forest Health Specialist for the South Dakota Department of Agriculture. Dr. Ball holds a Ph.D in forest entomology and has extensive international travel to explore the relationship of exotic woody pests and their new hosts.
Climbers' Corner • Tree Academy
Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday