Climbers' Corner • Tree Academy
Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday
Unraveling non-target effects of insecticides: expected and unexpected consequences in urban forests
Insecticides are important tools for arborists. In recent years, insecticide applications used in the arboricultural industry have received national attention for their effects on non-target organisms. Misapplications and correct applications of insecticides can have unexpected and sometimes deleterious effects on non-target organisms. We will review the science underlying non-target effects and review several case studies where insecticide applications affected populations and communities of non-target organisms.
Mike is a professor and extension specialist at the University of Maryland at College Park. As internationally recognized expert, Mike has more than 200 publications and has made more than 900 presentations on the ecology and management of insects and mites. He is has appeared on all major television and radio networks and has been featured on The Science Channel, PBS, National Geographic, Dr. Oz and Jay Leno. He has received several awards including the Secretary of Agriculture’s Award for Environmental Protection, The President’s Award from Tree Care Industry, and the Richard Harris Authors Citation Award from ISA. His book “Managing Insect and Mite Pests of Woody Landscape Plants” is an authoritative guide for Arborists and Landscapers and his most recent book “26 Things that Bug Me” published by ISA introduces youngsters to the wonders of insects and natural history using pictures and rhymes. His web site is
Climbers' Corner • Tree Academy
Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday