From Engineers to
Arborists – The Evolution of a Sidewalk Repair Project in Coconut Grove,
Lisa H. Hammer, RCA,
Horticultural Consultant
Aida Curtis, RLA, Curtis &
Rogers Design Studio
James Urban, FASLA
In 2010 the City of Miami issued an
RFP to engineering firms to repair damaged sidewalks in the Business District
of Coconut Grove, an historic, upscale, bayside community known for its lush
tropical canopy cover and bohemian residents.
The brick sidewalks in front of boutique shops and sidewalk cafes had
been buckled by tree roots, creating significant tripping hazards. The engineering firm selected for the project
hired a landscape architecture firm as a sub-consultant, who then hired a
consulting arborist. The consulting arborist
evaluated all of the existing trees and determined which should remain or be
removed. The Landscape Architect
evaluated the sidewalk and planter conditions and made recommendations regarding
paving and planting design. Discussions ensued
about how to protect and improve existing trees, eliminate tripping hazards, and
replace trees with the best prospects for long-term health and safety. Sidewalk and Urban Trees Specialist, Jim
Urban, was consulted about structural issues and the use of suspended pavements
and soil specifications.
Local merchants, arborists, and
activists were involved in the decision-making process and numerous public
meetings were held. At first there was
skepticism by merchants, opposition from the community, and budget concerns by
the City, but half-way through the project, with four streets completed, the
project is viewed as a success and those who previously objected are now
supporters. The success of this project exemplifies the critical need for
municipal staff, engineers, landscape architects, and arborists to work
together as a team on any major project.