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Arboriculture & Urban Forestry

Arboriculture & Urban Forestry quizzes are available free online to members for one year after the date of publication; a maximum of six quizzes are available at any time. Online quizzes over one-year old may be purchased by members for $10.95 and by non-members for $13.95. If you are certified and successfully pass the quiz with a score of 80% or higher, CEUs will be posted to your account within 48 hours.

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A more in-depth explanation about AUF quizzes is included in the product pages.


Arboriculture & Urban Forestry quizzes are available free online to members for one year after the date of publication; a maximum of six quizzes are available at any time. CEU quizzes for older articles may be purchased by both members and non-members. 

Hurricanes and other wind events are significant disturbances that affect coastal urban forests around the world. Past research has led to the creation of wind resistance ratings for different tree species, which can be used in urban forest management efforts to mitigate the effects of these storms. While useful, these ratings have been limited to species common to urban forestry in Florida, USA. Drawing on past ratings and data from a global literature review on tropical storm research, we created a machine learning model to broaden both the geographic coverage and the variety of species currently assessed for their resistance to wind. 1 CEU (A, U, M, T, Bm)

ISA's scientific journal Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) helps disseminate new research findings about the management of trees in urban environments. This quiz highlights an article from an issue of AUF with the objective of bridging the gap between scientific research and practical application. Learn about the latest arboricultural research happening around the world while also earning your CEUs.

CEUs for this quiz may be earned only once during the life of your certification.

ISA Members: $0.00
Retail Price: $13.95
All prices in US Dollars

Urban trees provide many environmental benefits but often face challenging growing conditions, such as waterlogged soils. Our goal was to identify how the roots of temperate urban tree species respond to and recover from waterlogging. Waterlogging resulted in high fine-root mortality and reduced photosynthesis rates for two magnolia species (Magnolia × soulangeana and M. stellata) and sugar maple (Acer saccharum), whereas silver maple (A. saccharinum) was highly tolerant of waterlogging. Both magnolias showed new fine-root growth and increased photosynthesis rates after a 10-day recovery period, while sugar maple did not resume fine-root growth and never recovered. Further understanding of different root strategies used by trees to cope with waterlogging stress will help inform urban tree selection for repeatedly flooded soils. 1 CEU (A, U, M, T, Bp)

ISA Members: $0.00
Retail Price: $13.95
All prices in US Dollars

Arboriculture & Urban Forestry quizzes are available free online to members for one year after the date of publication; a maximum of six quizzes are available at any time. CEU quizzes for older articles may be purchased by both members and non-members.

Codominant stems are a common condition of concern on landscape trees. Understanding the impact of varying degrees of stem reduction can assist practitioners in making informed pruning decisions. To determine this, a single reduction or removal cut was made on each pair of codominant stems on medium-aged Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’ at approximately 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the diameter relative to the basal diameter at the shared union or left as nonpruned controls. Pruning codominant stems of A. rubrum ‘October Glory’ with a cut that is 50% or 75% the diameter of the basal diameter at the shared union is appropriate at reducing stem diameter ratio, minimizing exposed wood, and maintaining overall aesthetic appearance after 2 to 3 years. 1 CEU (A, U, M, T, L, Bp)

ISA's scientific journal Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) helps disseminate new research findings about the management of trees in urban environments. This quiz highlights an article from an issue of AUF with the objective of bridging the gap between scientific research and practical application. Learn about the latest arboricultural research happening around the world while also earning your CEUs. 

CEUs for this quiz may be earned only once during the life of your certification.

ISA Members: $0.00
Retail Price: $13.95
All prices in US Dollars

Arboriculture & Urban Forestry quizzes are available free online to members for one year after the date of publication; a maximum of six quizzes are available at any time. CEU quizzes for older articles may be purchased by both members and non-members.

Urban forest management is crucial for supporting human well-being, ecosystems, and society, particularly with expanding global urban population and multi-uses of these urban greenspaces. This literature review examines the conceptualization and factors that contribute to conflicts and/or collaborations in urban forest management, including, but not limited to, diverse actors’ uses, needs, and perceptions. Using PRISMA methods, we systematically reviewed 176 scholarly articles published between 2013 and 2021 and found that most articles were primarily from the United States, Australia, and Canada. Findings highlight the need for clearer definitions of collaboration, emphasizing communication, operational tasks, planning, and shared beliefs among actors. 1 CEU (CEU credits) 

ISA's scientific journal Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) helps disseminate new research findings about the management of trees in urban environments. This quiz highlights an article from an issue of AUF with the objective of bridging the gap between scientific research and practical application. Learn about the latest arboricultural research happening around the world while also earning your CEUs.

CEUs for this quiz may be earned only once during the life of your certification.

ISA Members: $0.00
Retail Price: $13.95
All prices in US Dollars

Arboriculture & Urban Forestry quizzes are available free online to members for one year after the date of publication; a maximum of six quizzes are available at any time. CEU quizzes for older articles may be purchased by both members and non-members. 

Professional credentialing refers to the process of obtaining a certification or license that validates an individual’s knowledge, skills, and abilities according to industry-accepted ethics and standards. The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) confers and manages professional arborist certification as well as other arborist credentials. However, many communities, such as in the southern United States, have few if any credentialed commercial tree care professionals. This study explores the motivations and barriers commercial tree care workers place on professional arborist certification. The research employed 60 qualitative interviews from 3 of the 8 southern states to elicit emergent themes and detailed understanding of participants’ attitudes and experiences. In addition, an online survey of 742 international respondents was conducted to validate and complement interview findings. 1 CEU (A, U, M, T, Bm)  

ISA's scientific journal Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) helps disseminate new research findings about the management of trees in urban environments. This quiz highlights an article from an issue of AUF with the objective of bridging the gap between scientific research and practical application. Learn about the latest arboricultural research happening around the world while also earning your CEUs. 

CEUs for this quiz may be earned only once during the life of your certification.

ISA Members: $0.00
Retail Price: $13.95
All prices in US Dollars

Arboriculture & Urban Forestry quizzes are available free online to members for one year after the date of publication; a maximum of six quizzes are available at any time. CEU quizzes for older articles may be purchased by both members and non-members. 

Stewarding newly planted urban trees to maturity involves consideration of above- and belowground factors. While landscape architects and urban planners often focus on aboveground tree aspects, understanding root structure and function is crucial, especially in urban areas with limited underground space and diverse soil conditions. To address the importance and challenges of belowground planning for urban tree roots, we propose a protocol for site assessment and demonstrate root growth forecasting as a complement to existing urban planning approaches. This paper describes adaptations to a plant root architecture simulator, RootBox, and its subsequent application in 4 scenarios created to assess its efficacy as a complement to the phase of urban planning that prescribes vegetation type and planting location in the context of a myriad of other site considerations. RootBox was parameterized based on observed conformity of root growth simulations to generalized tree root architecture reported in the literature. 

1 CEU (A, U, M, T, Bs)  

CEUs for this quiz may be earned only once during the life of your certification.

ISA's scientific journal Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) helps disseminate new research findings about the management of trees in urban environments. This quiz highlights an article from an issue of AUF with the objective of bridging the gap between scientific research and practical application. Learn about the latest arboricultural research happening around the world while also earning your CEUs.

ISA Members: $0.00
Retail Price: $13.95
All prices in US Dollars

Arboriculture & Urban Forestry quizzes are available free online to members for one year after the date of publication; a maximum of six quizzes are available at any time. CEU quizzes for older articles may be purchased by both members and non-members.

Extreme summer heat events in which temperatures exceed 40 °C are expected to increase in duration and intensity worldwide. Consequently, selecting heat-tolerant trees for future predicted climatic conditions will be one of the significant challenges for urban landscape managers. The effect of heat stress (44 °C for 4 hours) on chlorophyll variable:maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) ratios and Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) values as measures of damage to the leaf photosynthetic system and leaf chlorophyll content was quantified in 8 Acer genotypes (Acer pseudoplatanus ‘Negenia’, A. pseudoplatanus ‘Spaethii’, A. platanoides ‘Royal Red’, A. platanoides ‘Princeton Gold’, A. platanoides ‘Emerald Queen’, A. platanoides ‘Drummondii’, A. campestre, A. campestre ‘Louisa Red Shine’). 

1 CEU (A, U, M, T, Bs)

CEUs for this quiz may be earned only once during the life of your certification.

ISA's scientific journal Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) helps disseminate new research findings about the management of trees in urban environments. This quiz highlights an article from an issue of AUF with the objective of bridging the gap between scientific research and practical application. Learn about the latest arboricultural research happening around the world while also earning your CEUs.

ISA Members: $10.95
Retail Price: $13.95
All prices in US Dollars

Arboriculture & Urban Forestry quizzes are available free online to members for one year after the date of publication; a maximum of six quizzes are available at any time. CEU quizzes for older articles may be purchased by both members and non-members.

Urban forests are increasingly recognized as important tools in climate change mitigation and adaptation, prompting many cities to set tree canopy cover targets. However, current gaps in knowledge include understanding relationships and the feasibility of maximizing benefits between urban greening and other climate actions, such as densification. This study offers a data-driven and manageable framework for assessing current and anticipated future urban forestry conditions using spatial tree and built-form model. 1 CEU (A, U, M, T, Bm)

ISA's scientific journal Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) helps disseminate new research findings about the management of trees in urban environments. This quiz highlights an article from an issue of AUF with the objective of bridging the gap between scientific research and practical application. Learn about the latest arboricultural research happening around the world while also earning your CEUs.

ISA Members: $10.95
Retail Price: $13.95
All prices in US Dollars

Achieving the urban tree trifecta will require collaboration among municipal departments and the development of a range of public and private initiatives, but it has the potential to maximize nature-based solutions in cities facing rapid shifts due to densification and climate change. In order to ensure that urban forests are both resilient to threats and confer the maximum possible benefits, we must be able to project decades into the future in order to understand the implications of current urban forestry decisions. This study outlines a framework for creating urban-forest scenario models and reports the results of a case study conducted to highlight the ways in which decisions made at each stage of the scenario-development process impact its outcomes and application. Our case study focused on a neighbourhood in Vancouver, Canada, that is simultaneously undergoing urban densification and aiming to significantly increase canopy cover by 2050. Our study demonstrates that a salubrious, resilient, and diverse urban forest can be created via a strategic program that complements extant trees in the public domain with planting programs along blue-green streets and on private property. 1 CEU (A, U, M, T, Bs, Bm)

ISA Members: $10.95
Retail Price: $13.95
All prices in US Dollars

Arboriculture & Urban Forestry quizzes are available free online to members for one year after the date of publication; a maximum of six quizzes are available at any time. CEU quizzes for older articles may be purchased by both members and non-members.

Potential impacts from climate change and other disturbances expedite the need to address vulnerabilities of urban forests. Low species diversity is a contributor to high urban forest vulnerability, and this study examined 40 public and private tree inventories in the metropolitan area of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Applying an established vulnerability framework, this study helps to identify the current and future
resilience of the urban forest in the face of climate change and other urban forest threats. A Milwaukee metropolitan area tree inventory was compiled and includes 439,974 trees. This inventory then was assessed under 2 climate change models through the end of the century (2070 to 2099). It also was assessed for species diversity under multiple diameter classes, and the Shannon Diversity Index was used to determine correlations between tree size and diversity. This data can help inform urban forestry practitioners during species selection for planting trees in their communities. 

1 CEU (A, U, M, T, Bs, Bm)

CEUs for this quiz may be earned only once during the life of your certification.

ISA Members: $10.95
Retail Price: $13.95
All prices in US Dollars

Urban soil is often compacted during anthropogenic activities, which presents a challenging substrate for tree growth. Two techniques for decompacting soils were evaluated alone and in combination with the soil amendment biochar and/or a woodchip mulch, and effects on soil quality were monitored over 5 years. This article and accompanying CEU quiz review the results of this study and different treatment options.

1 CEU (A, U, M, T, Bs, Bp)

ISA Members: $10.95
Retail Price: $13.95
All prices in US Dollars

Standardized tree risk assessment protocols are beneficial to utility vegetation management (UVM) in that they provide the most consistent qualitative assessment of a tree’s likelihood of failure, likelihood of impact, and overall risk. Yet, utility foresters do not often inspect off-right-of-way (ROW) vegetation due to constraints such as accessibility and time, which leaves many off-ROW trees unmonitored or with limited monitoring. This review focuses on the key studies addressing the application of unmanned aerial systems (UAS)-based LIDAR systems, especially in terms of UVM along electrical distribution systems. 

1 CEU (A, U, M, T, L, Bm)

ISA Members: $10.95
Retail Price: $13.95
All prices in US Dollars