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Exam 1 Cover
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  • Exam 1 Cover
CEUs are available for this product.

Online Arborists' Certification Practice Exam 1

By Sharon Lilly

  • Item #:
  • Member Price: $24.95(US Dollars)
  • Non-member Price: $34.95(US Dollars)
  • Quantity:

Getting ready for the ISA Certified Arborist® exam? This practice exam course, available through ISA’s learning management system (LMS), helps prepare you by providing a timed 200-question multiple-choice exam. In addition, the course offers a thorough preparation guide full of study tips and information about the ISA Certified Arborist® exam.

You will also have the opportunity to take the exam as knowledge check practice questions and get feedback on incorrect answers, including suggestions on the best chapters to study in the ISA Arborists’ Certification Study Guide. Although no questions from the actual ISA Certified Arborist® exam are included in this practice exam, questions are in the same multiple-choice structure as in the certification exam and cover the same knowledge areas, including tree biology, pruning, soil management, safe work practices, urban forestry, and more.

Certification can help you become more valuable to employers and more competitive in the job market. Additionally, certification demonstrates your dedication to your own professional development and shows your commitment to proper tree care practices. With help from this practice exam, you can successfully continue your arboricultural education and training by building a broad base of knowledge in many aspects of tree care. Use this to prepare you for the ISA Certified Arborist® exam or to continue your education.

Existing ISA credential holders who successfully complete this practice exam can earn 10 CEUs (A), 4.5 CEUs (U), 5 CEUs (T), 7.5 CEUs (M), 5 CEUs (L), 3.5 CEUS (Bm), 3.5 CEUs (Bp), 3 CEUs (Bs).

Each of the five Arborists’ Certification Practice Exams available through ISA’s web store contains different questions.

The CEUs for this practice exam course may be earned only once during the lifetime of your certification. Make sure you're logged in to the ISA website and check if you've previously purchased this practice exam course.

Any educational or preparatory material, whether published by ISA or not, should NOT be considered the sole source of information for an ISA certification examination. This publication and the ISA certification program exams are developed through separate processes and entities.

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  • 2/29/2024 7:35:32 PM
    If I buy this is this PDF or a physical book. I don't see anything saying it. Or maybe I cant see that part.
  • 2/29/2024 7:35:30 PM
    If I buy this is this PDF or a physical book. I don't see anything saying it. Or maybe I cant see that part.
  • 2/29/2024 7:35:29 PM
    If I buy this is this PDF or a physical book. I don't see anything saying it. Or maybe I cant see that part.
  • 2/29/2024 7:35:25 PM
    I would definitely rate this practice exam 3 out of 5 stars. It's very expensive for non-members. One of the reasons I don't like about this practice exam is that it doesn't tell you the answer specifically, nor does it tell you where to find the answer in the book. It just tells you what chapter to look at, but it doesn't explain why the answer is wrong or provide any further guidance. This doesn't help in my opinion. Instead of having to search through the entire book to find where you went wrong, it should direct you to the specific page where you can find the correct information. I feel like they did Minimum work. For this product.
  • 1/12/2024 1:59:31 PM
    Hello, as an ISA Certified Arborist, if you successfully complete the practice exam, then you will receive 10 CEUs.
  • 1/11/2024 10:34:56 AM
    I am a certified Arborist. WE-12000A. How many CEU's I will get for completing arborist practice exam. Baldeo
  • 1/11/2024 10:34:54 AM
    I am a certified Arborist. WE-12000A. How many CEU's I will get for completing arborist practice exam. Baldeo