Arborist News quizzes are available free online to members for one year after the date of publication; a maximum of six quizzes are available at any time. CEU quizzes for older articles may be purchased by both members and non-members.
Arboriculture is a global profession. It is also a profession with exposure to numerous hazards. While there are similarities in arboricultural operation hazards throughout the world, safety practices differ. There is a critical need to understand what safe work practices are required or recommended among the many countries where arboriculture is practiced as a profession. Arboriculture has international certification and climbing competitions, so standardizing safety standards is a natural outgrowth of these processes. In a world with an increasingly interconnected and mobile work force, developing uniform and effective standards can be a valuable contribution to safety. (A, U, M, T, L, Bp, Bm)
CEUs for this quiz may be earned only once during the life of your certification.